IHRC | General Relief
Welcome to International Human Relief Canada
IHRC successfully completed the “Feed The Needy” program during the month of Ramadan (April) in 2022 with over 1000 non-perishable food packs distributed to locations across Sri Lanka in the regions of Thoppur and Pulmoddai in Trincomalee, Mannar, Galle, Matara, and Colombo to impacted families. The IHRC team is grateful to all its donors who generously donated towards this urgent need!
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief
IHRC|General Relief

General Relief

IHRC | General Relief
IHRC | General Relief

From time to time, natural and man-made calamities affect the world. IHRC is committed to providing relief to the people affected by these disasters. Our Disaster Relief Funds aid those impacted by these global catastrophes by way of immediate relief of provision of essential, appropriate and timely humanitarian assistance, based on an initial rapid assessment of needs. Our services are designed to contribute effectively and speedily to their early recovery.

Current Appeal
We are assisting those who are affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Our support is shared with those who were hit hard with the pandemic and are recovering from physical, mental and financial hardship. We strive to support them get them back on their feet.

Did you know?

Overall losses from worldwide natural catastrophes in 2020 totaled $210 billion dollars, significantly higher than $166 billion in 2019, according to Munich Re. There were 980 events that caused losses in 2020, compared with 860 events in 2019. Insured losses from the 2019 events totaled $82 billion, also significantly higher than $57 billion in 209. Natural catastrophes in 2020 caused 8,200 deaths, compared with 9,435 in 2019.

IHRC | General Relief

Source: © 2021 Munich Re, NatCatSERVICE. As of January 2021.

World Natural Catastrophe Losses First Half, 201

IHRC | General Relief

Source: © 2016 Munich Re, NatCatSERVICE; *Property Claim Services (PCS®), a Verisk Analytics® business, **Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ Inc) www.catiq.com as of July 2016.

Water & Sanitation

Life begins with water!

Access to clean water and acceptable sanitation is a basic human right explicitly recognized by the UN General Assembly in 2010.

Our water programs provide accessibility to safe drinking water, sufficient sanitation amenities and hygiene awareness for communities that needs it most. Efficient management of the vital resource ‘Water’, results in enhanced economic growth and poverty alleviation.

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