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OUR PROJECT – Sponsor a Child
Help a child believe in a better future. Let an orphan know that YOU care about them. Sponsorship is the best way to help children overcome barriers and believe in their dreams.
Becoming a sponsor means giving children the chance to grow up healthy, educated and safe – forever changing their life and future. You just might find that it changes you, too.
How it works:
Sponsor an orphan for CAD$60.00 a month! $50.00 of your donation will subsidize the cost at the orphanage and the balance $10.00 will be deposited in a bank account for that child. This fund will be available for the orphan to start a career when they’re ready to take the next step in life!
Be a part of this program where your donations and rewards are multiplied. You will be rewarded for not only having supported an orphan with food and shelter but also for providing a lifetime of stability!
Sponsor a child Now, several convenient ways to donate
DONATE monthly using your credit card / PayPal (monthly automatic payments will require PayPal account
Poverty is not being without money, but being without hope.
Children represent roughly a third of the world’s population but account for almost half of all people living in extreme poverty (UNICEF). According to UNICEF an estimated 153 million children worldwide are orphans.
Many of these children who live in orphanages or on the streets are known as “social orphans.” Although one or even both of their parents may be alive, social orphans rarely see their parents or experience life in a family. Some never do.
Studies show that orphaned and abandoned children are at higher risk of severe malnutrition, high mortality rates, lower levels of school attendance, and increased likelihood of child labour. These children are also more likely to be subjected to abuse, neglect, and exploitation, not to mention the grief of losing their parents.
IHRC’s orphan care program has two approaches:
We are currently working with two orphanages in Sri Lanka, a girl’s and a boy’s orphanage. Our initial target is to support a total of 60 children from these two orphanages.
The children are from 2-18 years old. As per their age their needs vary, a few of them are special needs children. Therefore, we seek your support in two ways:
One of the other challenges is that there is no future plan for those orphans who leave the care system when they turn 18 years. Our sponsorship package includes a savings for these children from your contributions. For each child, we will allocate $10 month into a savings account, which will be utilised for their higher education, skills training or self employment. This way we will ensure that these children do not end up on the streets again.
“Poverty is the worst form of violence” – Mahatma Gandhi
Each day, an estimated 734 children become orphans!
IHRC was established on the premise that saving even one life, would be as if saving the life of the whole people! We strongly believe that poverty alleviation at all levels is the key to human security and human dignity. With this one goal, we prioritize our work to care for our orphaned children, improve their lives by providing shelter and food, education opportunities, health and wellness support and sponsorship.
The holy Quran says:
To this world and the Hereafter. And they ask you about orphans. Say, “Improvement for them is best. And if you mix your affairs with theirs – they are your brothers. And Allah knows the corrupter from the amender. And if Allah had willed, He could have put you in difficulty. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. (4:2)
The wealth that is redistributed through your Zakaat can provide their share of the resources! We can donate from our home to theirs! Preserving the dignity of life for all with the Islamic guidance and pillar of success!
We actively seek your donations/zakaat to support our two prong orphan program to the betterment of our younger generation and to eradicate poverty in our own neighbourhoods and societies!
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An estimated 153 million children worldwide are orphans (UNICEF). If these children stood side by side, they would form a line of children 30,000 miles long.
Child Labour:
Worldwide, there are 168 million child labourers, accounting for almost 11% of children (ILO).
In the world’s poorest countries, around 1 in 4 children are engaged in child labor (UNICEF).
263 million children and youth are out of school (UNESCO).
An estimated 61 million primary-school-age children are out of school; 53% of them are girls (UNICEF).
There are 69 million children worldwide who suffer from malnutrition (World Bank)
In 2017, 75% of malnourished children lived in less developed regions (WHO).
Nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of 5 can be attributed to undernutrition, resulting in the unnecessary loss of about 3 million young lives a year (UNICEF).
66 million primary-school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world, with 23 million in Africa alone (WHO).
In 2017, 15,000 children under the age of 5 died every day; that’s equivalent to 1 child every 17 seconds (WHO).
Leading causes of death in under-5-year-olds are birth complications, pneumonia, birth asphyxia, diarrhea and malaria. About 45% of child deaths are linked to malnutrition (WHO).
2.7 million children die every year in the first month of life, and a similar number are stillborn (WHO).
Children represent roughly a third of the world’s population but account for almost half of all people living in extreme poverty (UNICEF).
War & Conflict:
There are over 250 million children living in countries affected by conflict (UNICEF).
1 in 4 of the world’s children live in a conflict or disaster zone (UNICEF).
One person becomes displaced every 2 seconds – that’s 30 people who are newly displaced every minute (UNHCR).
An unprecedented 68.5 million people have been forced from their homes. Among them are nearly 25.4 million refugees, over half of whom are children (UNICEF).
10,000 unaccompanied migrant children are missing in Europe (Europol).
Help a child believe in a better future. Let an orphan know that SOMEONE cares about them. Sponsorship is the best way to help children overcome barriers and believe in their dreams. The feelings of belonging and love that you send through this message will go a long way in a child’s life.
How it works:
Sponsor an orphan for CAD$60.00 a month! $50.00 of your donation will subsidize the cost at the orphanage and the balance $10.00 will be deposited in a bank account for that child. This fund will be available for the orphan to start a career when they’re ready to take the next step in life!
Be a part of this program, where your donations and rewards are multiplied. You will be rewarded for not only having supported an orphan with food and shelter but also for providing a lifetime of stability!
Sponsor a child Now, several convenient ways to donate
DONATE monthly using your credit card / PayPal (monthly automatic payments will require PayPal account
DONATE monthly using Direct Debit through your financial institution by providing us a void cheque (Canadian financial institutions only)
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301-2855 Markham Road, Toronto ON M1X 0C3